Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions about Growth Nirvana and our answers.
We have 300+ data connectors. If there is a connector missing then we can build it for you in a few days.
Yes, can build custom connectors to any system that has an API or the ability to export the data you need.
Most customers can connect all their systems to Growth Nirvana’s no code platform in 15 minutes. Depending on the amount of historical data we sync then you can have reports within the hour.
By default, our reports update every 6 hours. We can update as fast as every 15 minutes.
If you require closer to real time updates, please contact us and we can discuss how we can customize to your requirements.
We create the reports so you don’t have to. We build the reports customized to what you want. You have the ability to make changes, but our customer success team can make all the changes so you can spend your high leverage time on other activities.
We offer full white labeling, branding and customization of reports. You can share with us a slide deck you want turned into a dashboard or even a photo of a drawing. We create the reports so you don’t have to.
Yes, we can ingest data from those sources via API, email, google sheets, sharepoint, etc. We connect that data with organic traffic and brand search traffic uplift to measure ROI.
We offer an assigned customer success manager to every customer. You can contact them via email, zoom calls, and a private slack channel. As opposed to filing a ticket and never hearing back, we will respond same day to your queries.
We can sync all-time historical data. This is common in paid marketing accounts so you have full history in Growth Nirvana reporting.
Full funnel reporting is connecting top of the funnel marketing activities (ex, Facebook & Google Ads) with back end purchases (ex, Shopify, Salesforce, HubSpot).
For B2B, in addition to CPL, you will have reporting that shows cost per opportunity and cost per closed won.
For B2C, we can generate reporting with LTV or other complex calculations.
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